Succeed together
your business plans


With RLH.JUST, I invite you to share my know-how by accompanying you in strategic moments in the life of your company to make it real success accelerators. So team management, corporate reorganization, integration of new software, the arrival of a new Process or the acquisition of a company will no longer be difficult moments, more of real growth assets of your company, in a simple model, pragmatic, in a relationship win-win and at budget under control.

My varied background allowed me to highlight that in any transformation project / development / company Fusion, it was imperative to respect the company's DNA : "What makes it what it is".
Unfortunately, in classic project management, this is never integrated, resulting in the vast majority, relative success of these projects. My success methodology is based on 2 essential points :

  • Understanding your business (your Human specificities, Operational, Technique, Financial, Clients) to identify your DNA, before structuring the management of transformation projects / development. This thus becomes the key foundation of our project, around which the transformations will be structured and thus guarantee the adhesion of all and the success of this crucial project for you.

  • Be the point of contact for all stakeholders, whatever their field of expertise in this sense, with respect for your DNA. Understanding and exchanging with each specialist in their language to better integrate the operational constraints of the other is the key to finding the right solution and ensuring real added value to the project.

Operational effectiveness, strategic vision and leadership, business growth : these are the issues in which I am involved and on which I wish to focus with you. I will be involved in various transversal management missions, or change management, needed by these structuring projects. I will also bring you my expertise in project management in optimizing functional processes, still impacted by these developments. My ability to interact with all stakeholders will allow me to be your relay at the heart of the project.

So, my proposed mission will be to contribute to the growth and agility of your business (from VSE to group), with a role of accelerating transformations. I will be your "right arm of this project", allowing you to make the right decisions and a minimum of time, allowing you to stay focused on your job, and the good health of your business.

It will be with passion and commitment that I will integrate into your teams with the concern of the success of your business and the respect of your customers.. Methodical and efficient, experienced and attentive, energetic and motivated, I will put my expertise and listening at your service for your success

Your projects

As part of your development, you have to face new and stronger challenges and challenges of your activity. Focused on your business and your customers, you cannot manage these one-off projects, the success of which is essential for the healthy and growth of your company. Recruitment is always a long operation, risky and expensive, I offer you a model alternative, simple, efficient and budget controlled.

I suggest that you temporarily strengthen your team to pilot the operational success of these strategic projects by using my management experience in business, in both operational and management positions, whether in an artisanal SME or in an industrial group, in France or abroad.

My precise role and responsibilities will be defined together in the upstream project (I can fit into your organization chart, if the project requires), they can evolve throughout it. The budget will also be defined in advance (for total control on your part), in an innovative model integrating a large part of the variable into the result, because the most important for us will be: the success of your projects.

My Benefits

For your business to perform, including in the face of shocks and challenges to come in the post-crisis world

Methodology :

  • In 3 Phases
  • With Pragmatism
  • And Respect for your DNA

Goals : Empower your business to

  • Develop
  • Absorb the next crises
  • Have a rebound capacity / reinventing oneself during crises

who :

  • VSE or SME
  • All business sectors

1- Analysis phase

  • Understanding of your company's DNA : "What makes it what it is"
  • Understanding of your human specificities, Operational, Technique, Financial, Clients.
  • Identification of Steering processes / Development strategy

Pedestal : l’intengible

2- Phase of identification of areas of progress

  • Analysis of the organization in place :
    • Human : Skills / Back-up / Critical positions / Telecommuting / Management
    • Technique : Process / Building / Software / Hardware
    • Priority management / Pilotage
  • Upstream of the company : supplier resilience / resilience of the approach strategy
  • Downstream : Logistics resilience / clients (structure, diversity, etc..)
  • Opportunity to reorient the activity if necessary (Tools, skills, etc..)

The Processes / priorities to adapt

3- Resilience building phase

  • Define and implement Resilient organization and process
  • Define the upstream Resilience policy
  • Define the downstream policy of Resilience
  • define the keys to continuous improvement for real sustainability of the project (or resilience ..)

To define, Prioritize and carry out the Action Plan

Whether following a business move, or following a significant growth in activity, reorganization of teams and working methods is often necessary. With my experience :

  • Company moves :
    • FM Logistic
    • SAUR
    • Bruno DELGRANGE S.A.S.

  • Reorganizations linked to variations in activity at FM Logistic, I can accompany you, methodically and pragmatically at these key moments in the life of your business.

In this type of operation, the important thing is to analyze well, understand the starting point (skills, tools, stakes, methods), and what changes (local, flux, workforce, etc.). From these base points, you have to have the ability to imagine new solutions (flux, organisation, method, etc.) and put them in place with the people involved. My experience rich in activities, professions and type of companies, allows me to imagine and suggest the best solution for you. This will in any case be confronted with the opinions of the teams to best adjust to their constraints, because everyone's involvement and support is crucial for the success of these reorganizations.

RLH.JuST proposes to support the Communities, whether it be :

  • As part of your internal projects :
    • Reorganization of your services following mutualizations or mergers of entities
    • Return to the Water / Sanitation Authority, Waste, etc…
    • Software development of Water / Sanitation or Waste (Mobility, GMAO, Supervision, Remote reading, etc..)
  • As part of an external entity project :
    • Support for companies in their plans to set up in your territory
    • Development of co-working type of services

The business takeover is an effective solution to ensure the growth and sustainability of your company. Unfortunately, these operations are often difficult or even painful. I suggest you take advantage of my experience, upstream of your acquisition projects, to make the operational diagnosis of the company to be bought (analysis of its actual operation), but also after the takeover, to help you merge the operating methods and skills of each company.

With successful experiences in this area (ESA merged into COVED, and the transition from Bruno DELGRANGE from independent to company from a shareholder pool), I can identify the strengths of the entity, and gently evolve practices in order to remain in accordance with its DNA (which is its strength and its quality), while meeting your expectations.

In the life of a business, it is common to integrate new processes. Everytime, the impact in the organization of the company goes far beyond a simple new process. So, the example of the arrival of 3D printing in a company, will not only have impacts on the production process but via the possibility of new products will open up new markets for you. This will have an impact on all of the processes :

commercial, logistics and administrative

So that this growth opportunity for your business does not become the cause of significant instability, I will be there to support you in implementing the necessary adjustments and guaranteeing the success of your business.

Getting new software into a business is always a complex step, leading to complicated side effects to master. The multiple experiences I have had on these subjects (COVED, SAUR, Bruno DELGRANGE) allowed me to demonstrate that the key to success was the following: :

  • Understand the operational constraints of the company (staff competence, physical organization of the premises, budget constraints, etc.)
  • Understand software constraints (in direct contact with the developer of the integrator)

In order to make the right choices, compatible with all these real constraints (not only those that the actors are willing to admit).

I will be by your side, for the success of your new software integration project. I will assume the interface between your teams and your IT department to define :

  • Changes in work methodology
  • The necessary software developments
  • The necessary work reorganizations

In permanent contact with you for all decision-making.

Successful team management requires managing key moments, not always easy to manage but crucial for the success of your business. Whether it's recruiting, the integration of new staff, annual appraisal interviews, training and development, or more rarely, but also important, layoffs are key steps that should not be overlooked to achieve the quintessence of our teams and therefore the performance of the company.

Invoicing terms :

représentation d'une poignée de main en flat design

The methodology and the objective targeted by my activity being the success of your projects, so, the mechanics of remuneration for the service will be based on a fixed remuneration according to your specific needs according to : the total time required for the success of the project, the service to be performed and the frequency of on-site presence necessary for its success.

During the upstream project, we will define together the objective. If at the end of the mission, the target is achieved, you will be billed for a performance bonus, because I want my remuneration to be mainly linked to our success.

So, you are able to know from the start of the project your full cost of the service (no surprise), motivated to result for " Succeed Together ».

They trust us :

RLH.JuST Succeed Together – 2020

Get in Touch


10, rue de la Moinerie 77 370 Rampillon

Call me

Romain Lhermitte

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