Legal Notice
SIREN : 881 493 019 at the RCS of Melun
Director : Romain Lhermitte
The head office : 10, rue de la Moinerie 77 370 Rampillon
Tel : 06-98-65-40-97
Law n ° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to computing, to files and freedoms :
This site does not collect personal information from its users.
Site Web :
This site is created in WordPress using the free Hestia theme by Themeisle and modified with Elementor. Contact form uses WPForms Lite from WPForm.
The logos and brands mentioned on the site are the property of their respective companies. In accordance with article L.122-4 of the intellectual property code, any representation or reproduction not expressly authorized, full or partial and by any process whatsoever, would be illegal and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 and following of the code of the intellectual property.
Media :
The media on the website have been legally imported from several sources and comply with intellectual property rights :
- Free & Royalty Free Image Banks Via Pixabay & Freepik.
- Staff of RLH.JuST.
- Create specially by Jean-Marie Gillet for RLH.JuST.
Responsibilities :
This site may possibly provide links to sites other than those of RLH.JuST. These sites are independent of the RLH.JuST Site which neither publishes nor controls the sources, the content of these sites or their links to other sites. Links to these sites do not constitute an endorsement in any way, validation or adhesion of RLH.JuST to the content of these sites. In any case, RLH.JuST is in no way responsible for the content as well as the products or services offered on the pages to which this site is linked by hypertext links or any other type of link. RLH.JuST declines all responsibility for the content available on other websites accessible from this site.
This website and its legal notices are subject to French law.
Site host : Gandi
Web designer : Jean-Marie Gillet